Food, photography and passions

July 10, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I treasure photography. I enjoy good food. I have a dear affection for my beautiful language, French. I am captivated by art. And obviously, and more than anything else, I love love love my children.

I have been trying to find something to combine all these passions but so far, I only managed to link two or three of them. For example:

*Children + food: My children get to eat good beautiful healthy food. 

*Children + French: I organize French groups, classes or activities for children.

*French + Photography: The French classes I used to teach were illustrated by a few of my photographs. 

*Photography + Children: Families ask me to create photographic memories of their children.

*French + Children + Art + Food: I think it is funnier to teach a language to children through art and cooking. 

*Food + Photography: I always wanted to combine these two. It was time I worked on it. After all, food is so much tastier when it is beautiful.

Spending time to develop one passion every day is vital, but being able to work on two or more of them on a given day is a blessing.  So, yesterday, I took an early bus, my heavy camera, a tripod, a notebook and I attended a photography class in Boston. Going to a city is a much needed survival reflex. Being surrounded by trees, mountains, deers and ponds is relaxing and the beauty of these never ceases to amaze me. But at one point, I need to hear airplanes, cars honking, I need to see people, diversity, architecture, novelties and taste some new food. A friend of mine living here confessed that she goes to NYC to do 'people and vehicles watching'. So, I went to Boston, took a class, ate the heavenly rhubarb pie from Paul's Bakery, walked a few miles with no reason and no direction in the city with a heavy history. Then I went back to the stunning and silent Northern New England.

The day in Boston was a perfect day to work on two passions: food and photography.  I am absolutely nowhere close to where food photographers are but I feel a little less intimidated by sharing these very first trials.



And of course, of course, my list of passions is not done here. And my desire to combine them all into something meaningful is not fulfilled. But this is another story...



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