letting go of chicago

October 04, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

This morning, I pressed the button 'safely unsubscribe' from the Park District of Oak Park (PDOP). Strangely, I had no problem doing that. No sadness, no comparisons. Just indifference. I do not live there anymore, I do not need to know that there is a teen skating party on Friday or a super awesome haunted house tour, brand new this year, or that I missed the annual camping trip.

(2011 camping trip in a park a few blocks from our house)


I do not care. Seriously, I don't. 

Like half of the parents out there, my mailbox is overflowing with subscriptions. They are so, soooo convenient... and soooo cumbersome. They offer 15% off your first shopping basket, they let you know of the very special events, the once in a life time promotions, the 'hurry up, it won't last long' kind of deals. Yes. they believe I absolutely need to know that there is a 40% sale at Gap until midnight and t.h.e. c.l.o.c.k. i.s. t.i.c.k.i.n.g. If I do not shop, I will miss THE chance of my life. Three emails about that. Three per day. The thing is: whenever I will need to buy a winter coat, these 40% will be welcome. Imagine: 40 bucks instead of 60-ish?  That's why I still am a Gap subscriber. I am not hiding it, there is no secret, I am a hoarder, I keep way too many things, including emails.

Seriously. 6000 unread gap- old navy- PDOP messages? This is not serious.


So, every week, I unsubscribe from random unnecessary things. Last week was the FFC fitness center in Chicago. This morning, the PDOP.

God -and a few friends- know how much I have *adored* all the park district offerings. I do not believe any other village has such a vast, diverse, fun and accessible program. I truly thought that the parks of Oak Park would be one of THE big things I would miss the most when moving to New England. Seriously, which other village has a splash pad, full playground and other super fun equipment every 7 blocks or so? I even think they won some kind of golden park district award. 



(Cheney mansion, open on a few occasions for my selfish picture taking pleasure)


That's true. PDOP is awesome, truly awesome. And we sometimes miss the variety of all the playground equipment. But on the other hand, our eyes are full FULL of wonder whenever, out of the blue, we find a new swing set. Yes, we have to drive to go to the playgrounds but so what? The drive is a wonder of beauty. And there are hundreds of "parks" without equipment in New England. Huge hills to run on. Trees to play hide and seek. My dear friend G. who grew up not far from here told me that the whole area is a huge park. She was right. It took me about a year to realize it.  

(our new swing set: consisting of one swing, hills and a pond)


So, farewell to the convenient convenience of Oak Park. I still miss a bunch of things and persons out there. But I am glad to say that the skating parties, the breakfasts with Santa, the grand opening of a brand new nature program and the camping trips are not so much on my homesick list anymore.

I am slowly letting go of Chicago, one step at a time, one email at a time...


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